Thursday, July 10, 2008

We Are Here

Family & Friends,

Sorry it has taken us awhile to get our first update to you. We didn't actually arrive here at Malenovice until around 4pm yesterday (Wednesday), and our journey from LA began at 3:30 on Monday. Here is the reason for the delay: when we arrived at LAX on Monday we were informed that our flight was delayed an hour. This was going to cause us to miss our other 2 connecting flights. God is so good though and British Airways took very good care of us. Due to the delay we had to spend a night in London (we didn't get to go into the city though because the hotel was right next to the airport which is about an hour away from the city), which BA paid for. So we left London at around 7:30am on Wednesday. From Heathrow we flew to Munich, Germany and barely made our connecting to Karkow, Poland. Once we arrived in Karkow Lucka and Mel (missionaries from Josiah Venture) picked us up and we had a 2 1/2 hour drive to Malenovice (the Josiah Venture training center).

We are humbled by the work the Lord has done in our lives and in the lives of the team so far! He is awesome! We cannot thank you all enough for all your prayers. God is listening. Please continue to pray.

We are so thankful for our team, we all mesh so well and we are excited to see what God is going to do in these next few weeks. We will be leaving tomorrow morning to head off to camp - not too sure how long that train ride will be - and english camp will officially begin on Saturday with the first classes being on Sunday. We're so excited!!!!

We'll continue to keep you updated when we can.

Tasting and seeing His goodness..

Justin & Kimberly Klopfenstein

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kimberly and Lindsay,
I love you! I pray that you are having a great time! I have something for you to think about. We girls have been invited to Steveyann's bridal shower on Saturday, July 26. I'm thinking a girl road trip! We could drive up on Friday, and possibly come home after the shower on Saturday night. Give it some thought. Mandy and I want to go.
Love and miss you!
Auntie Debbie XOXO