Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Gospel

Hello Everyone...
This is going to be short because I only have a few minutes to write this. But we just wanted to let you know what is going on here at English Camp. Camp has been going well, for the most part our team is healthy and safe. The most important thing for which we need your prayers is for tonight. Tonight Justin will be presenting the gospel to the students. Please be praying that God will just speak through him as he tells the students of the hope which can only be found in our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray that their hearts will be open to hear what he has to say. Even if no one accepts Christ tonight we pray that a seed will be planted which will continue to grow. We hope that this evenings talk will also encourage the believers to stay strong in their walk with the Lord and continue to grow rather than remain stagnant. God has been doing great things here, thank you for your prayers.
As far as health there are quite a few people who have been getting sick, probably because it has been cold and rainy up here on the mountain. I, Kimberly, almost lost my voice, but thankfully I didnt and was able to continue teaching english class. Meghan, on our team, fractured her wrist doing a camp song of all things. Tomorrow she will be going to get a full cast, please pray that everything will go well. We are all pretty exhausted, so please pray that we will have the energy and excitement to continue pouring into the students. They have been teaching us many things as well, we are so blessed to be here. Thank you for your continued prayers as they are such a blessing to us. Once again, please keep Justin in your prayers and above all the hearts of the students. He will be speaking 11:00am your time, 8:00pm our time. We love you all.

2 Corinthians 5 was a passage which God really used to speak to my heart the other day so that is what I leave you with.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kimberly and Lindsay,
I've been hoping to get a blog message back from you guys. We are supposed to rsvp by 7/19 for Steveyann's bridal shower. Mandy is working on getting Saturday 7/26 off. We are hoping to go on Friday afternoon and stay at Steve and Patty's house and leave to come home directly from the party on Saturday. Love you! Auntie xo