Sunday, December 31, 2006

A New Journey

Tonight (if she says yes...which I think she will) Kimberly and I are setting out on a new and exciting journey...together! We have patiently, yet anxiously (especially the expectant and hopeful Kimberly--who has been patient to say the least) awaited this day for 2 years now. And, by God's grace, here we are! We don't know exactly what the future holds for us, but now we do know that it holds us being together and the faithful God who has gotten us this far. We are excited, not to begin a journey, but to continue a journey that we have been trekking on our own and now expectantly and joyously get to walk together as "heirs of grace." We are thankful to each and every person who has been part of our lives to this point and are excited to have you a part of our lives as we join to become one. I continue to be amazed with the precious gift that the Lord has given me in Kimberly and can't begin to express how excited I am for the day (which is coming very soon!) when I can call her my wife.


Big D said...

Congratulations Justin and Kimberly!!

How did you like the table decor?

A dad couldn't ask for a more wonderful young lady for a daughter... and now I couldn't ask for a better young man to take her hand - and to take care of her heart. You two are now embarking on a new and lenghty chapter of life that will be both abundantly wonderful, and at times extremely challenging. Trust in the Lord, don't lean on your own understanding, (Justin - you will never understand), always acknowledge God; and He will direct your paths. As He has blessed you with the gracious gift of each other; may God bless the two of you richly as you seek to honor Him.

We love you both lots; Dad & Mom

Shay Thomason said...

Hey kids! Congrats on getting engaged. Bethany and I are stoked for you. Hope you had a great time last night as well.

Looking forward to the wedding.

gracedependent said...

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!! I seriously can't stop laughing with excitement for you two. You are one of the funnest, funniest couples I have the pleasure of knowing. God Bless your engagement and marriage. We look forward to having you over to hang out in "the house Justin built".

Steve Cowell said...

Wow, what a video. Very well done. And can I say that I don't know of another engagement plan more involved. I am stoked for both of you and I can't wait to celebrate that day along side the both of you. I can say from at least a little bit of experience that marriage is the greatest institute ever! Steve

Steve Cowell said...
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