Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Update from Poland/Czech

Well...It has been such an awesome trip, thus far. We keep telling people that we just want to be sponges on this trip and soak up as much info as we possibly can. One thing is fore-front in my mind right now: God is far bigger than I often give him credit for. There are so many people who need to hear about God's saving grace here in Eastern Europe - please be praying for them.

I will give you a basic idea of what we have done thus far:
So on Saturday we got to Zory (the town we stayed in the first two days) around 9pm. Then the next day we went to the church there, which was such an awesome experience. It was so wonderful to meet the body of believers there - we were greatly blessed by it. Sunday evening we hung out with some of the youth from the church at Susan Ellis' apartment (she is a missionary there). On Monday morning we went to the Hash's home and hung out with them for the day (they are missionaries as well). Monday evening we drove to the Carlson's home (Greg Carlson is the one who we met with about 3 weeks ago and is the one who asked us to come this week). I got sick the day before we left to come to Poland and haven't been feeling that great. So on Tuesday morning I got to go to a Polish Doctor; I have a sinus infection and am on antibiotics now. We went to see H2O, which I will have to explain in detail later, but basically it is going to be a Hume Lake type camp for Poland (it is amazing!). Then we hung out with the Carlsons and Justin then spoke at their church on Tuesday evening. Justin spoke on the "Marks of a True Christian" from Romans 12. This morning (wednesday) we drove to Malenovice (in Czech) to here the end of a meeting which was to decide what English camps are going to be like this coming summer (for all of the countries). The rest of today was filled with rest (which was wonderful). The rest of this week we will be here at Malenovice with a lot of the missionaries from Josiah Venture; they all get together for Thanksgiving.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Please continue to be praying, not only for us but for the people of Eastern Europe and for the missionaries who are already here ministering to them.

We love you all and hope that you have a blessed Thanksgiving!

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