Thursday, June 19, 2008

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you...When you seek me with all your heart...”
-Jeremiah 29:11-13

Dear Family and Friends,
It has been such a blessing over these last few months as we have received your responses, in the form of both prayers and finances. We cannot thank you enough! The Lord has used you greatly and continues to use you in this ministry. We will definitely need your prayers as we prepare and as we minister in the Czech Republic. So, as we get ready to leave we wanted to update you with the most current prayer requests and information.
With preparation drawing to a close here at home there are many different tasks which must be completed prior to our departure and we need prayer for them. One area that our team needs prayer for is that of english lessons. Within our team there are both english teachers and assistants, both of whom will work together to teach the english classes at camp. Kimberly will be teaching an upper beginner english class; the students in this class speak some english but Kimberly will have to rely heavily on a translator. During camp, english class will last from 9-12 each morning. Our theme this year for English class is Olympics 2008; we decided on this theme because we can incorporate a lot of english but it still has a global aspect to it which is important. Please pray that all of the english teachers will be able to prepare the bulk of their teaching material prior to leaving for the Czech Republic. If this happens then a lot of our time will be freed up in the Czech allowing us to spend more time building relationships with the youth.
Each night at english camp there will be “Evening Talks” followed by discussion groups. I (Justin) will be giving these talks along with team members Landen and Adam. All three of us need prayer for clarity and purity as we seek to speak the truth in love. The purpose of these talks is to deal with the most basic cravings of our souls. Landen, Adam, and I are going to share our hearts and God’s Word openly with the students always leading them to Christ. I will be be speaking on three topics: ‘Uniqueness of being human,’ ‘Love,’ and ‘Perfection’ (gospel presentation). Following the “Talks” there will be “Discussion Groups” during which the students will split off into their english class groups and have a chance to discuss certain questions pertaining to the ‘talk’ which was given. Please pray for the students that they will come to know freedom in Christ.
Thanks once again for all your prayers. Kimberly and I look forward to sharing with you all of what God is doing in Czech.

Tasting and seeing His goodness,
Justin and Kimberly Klopfenstein

Here is a rough schedule of what our time in the Czech will look like:
• July 7th - Depart from LAX
• Week One - Training at the Josiah Venture training center
at Malenovice (on the eastern border of Czech)
• Week Two - English Camp (on the western side of Czech)
• Week Three - Staying with host families in the town of
Cheb (on the western border of Czech, 10 minutes
outside of Germany) and hanging out with the youth
group from Cheb Baptist Church and possibly some
students from English Camp
• July 23rd - Spend the day in Prague
• July 24th - Fly home to LAX

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