Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I seriously CANNOT believe that I get to marry the one and only Justin Klopfenstein in a mere 31 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited, I can barely stand it! I must be dreaming! It still doesn't feel like it's actually going to happen, but it REALLY is - PTL.
We finally got the wedding invitations out on Saturday, which was a huge relief, I didn't realize what a big undertaking they would be. Also this past weekend Justin moved into the apartment that will be our first one together, once we get hitched. The apartment building is comprised mostly of people ages 55+ which will be fun. Our good friends (Shay and Bethany) live two doors down from us and Justin's cousin Mike and his wife Chrissy will be living there as well - we are going to have a blast! Things are coming along with wedding plans, although there are lots of details to get ironed out before the BIG day.
I have been realizing how important it is to just trust the Lord through all of this (and in every other aspect of life) because He alone is in control. By God's amazing grace, beginning June 1st, I will get to walk through life with Justin, we will get to be a team! Our lives aren't about us but rather they are about bringing honor and glory to the Lord in all that we do and say. I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with Justin; the man who is far greater than I could have possibly dreamed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are quite the catch yourself! He is a blessed man! It was good to see you tonight. You look well, rested and settled. You two will have a wonderful journey together. Looking forward to your shower tomorrow, but mostly as to what the Lord had in store for you in the years to come. God BLess you friend.

with love, Dede Bray.

Love the website!
see you soon. xoxoxo